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» Wassell solid state 6V Positive regulator. Replaces MCR2/RB108 Mechanical Cut-out (E3L,E3N type dynamos).

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Wassell solid state 6V Positive regulator. Replaces MCR2/RB108 Mechanical Cut-out (E3L,E3N type dynamos).

Wassell solid state 6V Positive regulator. Replaces MCR2/RB108 Mechanical Cut-out (E3L,E3N type dynamos).
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Wassell solid state 6V Positive regulator. Replaces MCR2/RB108 Mechanical Cut-out (E3L,E3N type dynamos).

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Wassell solid state 6V Positive regulator. Replaces MCR2/RB108 Mechanical Cut-out (E3L,E3N type dynamos). Compact design in finned Heat sink. This unit is small enough to conceal inside the original MCR2 cut out box casing. Polarized for positive earth only, and cannot be reversed. Supplied with full wiring instructions

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